Saturday, August 10, 2013

Night Heron

After several hard rains, I went out to Sand Creek, expecting to see lots of birds.  Oddly enough, it seemed they'd all gone to lunch or taken vacation or something.

Just as I was leaving, I rounded a corner to walk over a bridge, and there was a Night Heron sitting on the dam.  I'd seen him before in this exact same place and took photos of him until it became obvious he was never going to move, and I needed to get home.

This time, I was determined to wait him out.  So I sat down and just watched him, not bothering to be terribly quiet.  After a lot of throat clearing on my part, a young lad appeared with his two dogs.  I pointed to the bird and said that I wished he would take flight.  This kid immediately charged up the bank with his dogs until he was above the bird, looking down at him.

Of course, the diversion worked, and this HUGE bird took to the air.

He soared

and swooped

and made my day.

Considering the fact that no other birds came to the party, it was a successful photo session - and worth sharing.